Help Haiti

Gifts of love benefit St. Damien Pediatric Hospital, PortAuPrince, Haiti’s only children’s hospital treating childhood cancer and children in desperate need without cost to their families.
$5 Donation each In the Cathedrals narthex after all masses on Dec. 4/5.  These GIFTS OF LOVE among the last of Holy Childhoodbeautiful ceramic Angels gift card saying you have made a donation in honor of the receiver to help children in Haiti”.
Sale organized by our Social Ministry group and St. Louis Church, Pittsford Cathedral Community
Contact Annette Hunt ()
If check, please write to The Cathedral Community.
Write “
Haiti” on the memo line.
To further help St. Damien Pediatric Hospital, we again have been offered a matching grant for revenues received. We also request your prayers as St. Damien is located in PortauPrince, about 80 miles from the area of Haiti hardest hit by the recent earthquake. Its the only pediatric hospital in the country, and it serves about 90,000 patients every year. Please visit: to learn the magnitude of our endeavor.

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