Creating a Safe Environment

Creating A Safe Environment (C.A.S.E.)

Policies for Volunteers

Volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults are required to sign a Diocese of Rochester Volunteer Code of Conduct, complete the Criminal Record Check process and participate in Creating a Safe Environment training. All of these volunteers must participate in a renewal of training as determined by the Diocese of Rochester. Volunteer drivers for Church programs and events must have their driving record checked every year.

In order to volunteer, please complete the following online training /forms and return forms to the church office:

1) Creating a Safe Environment Training:

CASE Training Instructions for Minors (ages 13-17)

CASE Training Instructions for Adults (ages 18-69)

2) Criminal Record Check 

Volunteer Background Check (18 years and older)

Driver form (only if driving is part of volunteering)

3) Adult Volunteer Code of Conduct (ages 70 and older) 

4) Please take a few moments and read our Newsletters:

Creating a Safe Environment Newsletters

Want to learn more about what we're doing to ensure everyone's safety? Go to