“This institution is an equal opportunity provider. / Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades."
Joseph’s Place (JP) is small food pantry serving residents living in the Cathedral neighborhood who experience food insecurity. JP first opened its doors in March 2015. It is a client choice food pantry, meaning each guest (client) can make their own food choices according to our distribution guidelines. Guests are allowed to visit our food pantry once per month. An appointment is required.
The food pantry is open 3 Wednesdays each month, currently serving up to 40 families each time we are open. In 2021, we provided food to more than 2000 people who live in the Cathedral neighborhood, that translates to approximately 18,000 meals.
Joseph’s Place operates with an all volunteer staff. We currently have approximately 25 volunteers who help out in a variety of ways, such as, scheduling appointments, stocking shelves, making deliveries to the homebound, picking up donations from area stores, and helping our guests choose their food.
A food drive referred to as Food Frenzy is held in the Cathedral narthex on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Parishioners have strongly supported Joseph’s Place through food donations during Food Frenzy weekends and with direct donations. Although some of Joseph’s Place operating costs are covered by state and federal grants, we also rely on the donations from parishioners and community organizations.

Food is distributed the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
To obtain an appointment, call (585) 505-7800 during the following times.
Mondays 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Tuesdays 9:00 - 11:00 am
Saturdays 9:00 - 11:00 am
Appointments/Calls will be taken ONLY during the above days and times. No messages can be left at this number - so please continue to call during these time frames until you speak to a Resource Minister and your appointment is set up.