Each parish of the Diocese of Rochester must have a Buildings & Grounds Committee (“The Committee”) as a standing committee of the Parish Finance Council. This body will serve in advisory role to the Pastor on matters relating to parish facilities. The mission of the committee is:
To assist in maintaining and developing appropriate facilities for the mission of the parish including assessment of conditions, maintenance plans, repair and construction and safety issues.
The Committee’s membership is based on appointment by the Pastor and should include staff and parishioners with building design
(architect or engineer) and/or building trades (electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc.) experience.
Some the Committee’s duties include:
• Advise the Pastor regarding the results of regular inspections of all parish facilities
• Recommend repairs or replacements based on priorities established by these inspections
• Tracking of minor repairs (broken window, leaky faucet, missing downspout, etc.)
• Anticipate needs for upcoming season (seasonal maintenance, etc.)
• Complete the Simple Parish Building Condition Assessment for each parish owned
building and update as needed
• Assess campus from a Risk Management and Aesthetic standpoint
• Assist staff with approximate cost of projects and completing documents in Buildings &
Properties Policy, etc.
• Develop a 5 Year Plan of anticipated capital expenses to keep parish facilities in good
working order.
• Work with Finance Council to match project funding with scheduling of projects.
• Develop a detailed inventory of all parish physical assets in accordance with Canon
1283.2 and the Stable Patrimony Policy and update the inventory on an annual basis.
• Assist in the development of guidelines concerning use of parish facilities.
• Assist in the development of parish energy conservation programs.
• Develop teams of parishioners who will donate time and talents for parish maintenance
tasks, taking note of the extent to which such work is allowed to be performed by
volunteers under the guidelines of the diocesan risk management and insurance
• Review the parish’s risk management and loss prevention reports in order to insure
corrective action is taken where necessary.
• Ensure that the safety and security of the parish campus is addressed and reviewed