7:30 am – Liturgy of the Word and distribution of ashes (no Mass)
12:10pm & 5:20pm – Mass and distribution of ashes.
3:00pm Holy hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
4:00pm Benediction
5:45pm Stations of the Cross
Come to our Health Care Workers Mass, hosted at the Cathedral on October 27th at the 11:15 Mass.
Join us the evening June 2 for back-to-back First Friday and First Saturday Masses as we honor the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
10:00pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
11:00pm – First Friday Mass of the Sacred Heart
Midnight – First Saturday Mass of the Immaculate Heart
Our visit from Dr. Ralph Martin was a great blessing!
If you missed his talks, you can view them here:
Thank you so much to all of our parishioners and contributors, who helped us to reach our parish goal for the Diocesan Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). May God bless your generosity and your commitment to our Cathedral parish!
Join us for our Friday Lenten Devotions:
11:30am – Confessions
12:10 – Mass
12:45 – Stations of the Cross “with Mary”
1:15pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
3:00pm – Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
4:45pm – Confessions
5:45pm – Solemn Stations of the Cross
6:30pm – Meatless Pot Luck Dinner (in downstairs Cathedral Hall)
Click here to view Cardinal Dolan’s homily at the Funeral Mass of the Most Reverend Bishop Matthew H. Clark